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Family ID / PIAA Clearances

The FamilyID portal is the online registration platform to facilitate PIAA clearance paperwork. The Athletics Department no longer accepts hard copy versions of the PIAA clearance paperwork. Students’ clearance work will be monitored year-to-year and simply updated in place of collecting new packets every sports season/school year.

For students to participate, the following 3 steps need to be completed:

  1. Create a FamilyID account.
    *Please review the FamilyID FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  2. Upload your physical to your newly created FamilyID account.
    Complete the registration process and upload a copy of your PIAA Physical (Section 7) to your new FamilyID account.
  3. Attend a mandatory pre-season meeting.
    Prior to every sports season, Souderton athletes must attend this MANDATORY Sports Meeting the first day of practice for each season. During this time, athletes meet with the Athletic Director and Athletic Trainers, and learn about the different rules/regulations of the Athletic Department.

If you have any technical trouble with the FamilyID platform, please contact Family ID Support through one of the following methods:

Phone: 888-800-5583 ext. 1