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North Montco Technical Career Center

Important information about North Montco Technical Career Center (NMTCC):

  • North Montco Technical Career Center (NMTCC) offers 21 programs within 7 cluster areas including: Construction Trades, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Engineering/Manufacturing, Health and Human Services, Power and Transportation, and Visual Communications. The school serves approximately 1,100 students from 5 surrounding school districts. Students can attend the school as either part-time or full-time basis. Students attending NMTCC will make progress towards graduation requirements and may choose to apply to enroll in 10th grade. In addition to technical training, NMTCC provides academic courses to the full-time students within all 7 clusters. See your school counselor and learn more about NMTCC by going to their Web site at*.
    A SOAR program is a Pennsylvania Department of Education approved, Career & Technical Education Program that credits skills and tasks learned at the career and technology center to a post-secondary (college) degree, diploma, or certificate program. SOAR programs prepare today’s student for tomorrow’s high demand and high wage careers. To view current advanced credit opportunities articulated with post-secondary institutions, go to Search for Equivalencies under the Search button at*, select PA Bureau of Career and Technical Education at the "From" dropdown menu. 
  • Visit the North Montco Technical Career Center Web site