Guidance / School Counseling
Guidance Phone: 267.203.0117 | Guidance Fax: 215.723.6144
- Guidance Department Goals
- Student Assistance Program
- Scholarships/Financial Aid
- About Guidance at SAHS
Guidance Department Goals
- To encourage students in decision making skills that will permit them to exercise independence and responsibility of action in recognizing and selecting from among viable alternatives.
- To assist students in the development of self-understanding based upon an accurate and unbiased assessment of their individual strengths and weaknesses.
- To advocate changes in the educational program that will better serve the needs of students in the district.
- To develop understanding within the educational community of student needs and strategies for responding to those needs.
- To assure a counseling staff that is competent, up-to-date in both information and technique, and available to meet the needs of students, staff and community.
- To provide information to the community and the school describing the role and function of the guidance department.
- To challenge students to make the maximum use of their potential in taking advantage of the programs and services available through the school district.
- To coordinate the efforts of students, staff, and parents in the understanding of developmental issues and aiding in the transition from childhood to adulthood.
For more information on Naviance or registration information, please contact your child's school counselor.
Naviance is a Web-based, self navigational college resource, that will facilitate students' college exploration. Students will utilize the program for countless options to include developing college lists, college admissions meetings at the high school, requesting and tracking transcripts, recommendation letters, testing information and scholarship opportunities.
Log in to Naviance:*
Student Assistance Program
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is part of the statewide Department of Education initiative known as Student Assistance Programs. Public schools in the State of Pennsylvania are required to provide a team of faculty members including administrators, counselors, teachers, and school nurses. The team meets on a regular basis to evaluate concerns from students, faculty members and parents with regard to students who may be exhibiting poor academic performance due to mental health or drug and alcohol related issues. The Student Assistance Program gathers information from teachers, counselors, and administrators to determine if the concern expressed by the referral source is an isolated occurrence or is impacting the students ability to function in all areas of his or her academic program. Once it has been determined that there is a suspected problem that is impeding the student's progress in school, the team contacts the parents to set up an intervention, at which time all of the objective data is presented an discussed and parents are given referral options.
This team, and the program as a whole statewide, has been very successful in helping a great number of students and their families deal with behaviors and problems that have contributed to decreased lack of success in school.
For more information, please see the SAP Brochure (PDF)
Scholarships/Financial Aid
For all scholarship information, please refer to the Naviance Web site.
If you have any questions, please contact Robin Johnson in the Guidance office at or 267-203-0117, extension 20114.
About Guidance at SAHS
The philosophy of the Souderton High School Guidance Program is a strategic component of the Souderton Area School District's mission statement which is...
To prepare students to demonstrate competencies needed to contribute and to succeed in a changing world by building on a commitment to excellence and innovation, by working in partnership with family and community, and by assuring a quality education for all students in a safe and nurturing environment.
The High School Guidance Department aims to assist students in receiving the most realistic benefit from the educational programs offered by the school district. The High School Guidance Counselors recognize the importance of students being emotionally prepared to learn and being placed into a program compatible with their educational needs. To ensure these benefits, counselors work not only with students, but with those who have influence in the students' lives, including peers, parents, teachers, administrators, and outside agencies.
Guidance services are recognized as an integral part of the total educational program. The counselors strive to meet the needs of students within the structure of the educational system and community. To accomplish this, the counselors must identify needs, establish common goals, and mobilize all of the available resources of the parties involved.
More Guidance Services /Resources
- NCAA Eligibility Center
- Transcript Requests
- College Admissions Exams/Testing: SAT | ACT